Serving on the Pulpit Committee

Are you interested in serving on the Pulpit Committee (PSC)?

  1. First, must be an adult and Communing Member of Westtown Church in good standing. Paid staff of Westtown Church are ineligible to serve on the PSC.
  2. Second, you will want to familiarize yourself with the time commitment of members serving on this important committee by downloading the document below (PSC Expectations).
  3. Third, if you are committed to serve, you can fill out the application below.

This information will be made available to members who will want to know more about the potential candidates prior to voting.  A typical PSC is nine members and we may decide to elect additional non-voting alternates who would serve if any members of the PSC will be unable to complete their service.

The Session will be calling a Congregational meeting around mid to late August for the Members to elect the PSC members.

The Session has contracted with an independent consulting organization, McGowan Global Institute (MGI) who will train the newly elected PSC members and alternates for their roles. MGI will also hold a “Discovery Weekend” to sample the Congregation through surveys, questionnaires and focus groups. That event and training will occur probably on the Sunday following the Congregational meeting.

Once the PSC is formed, they will begin their search for our next Senior Pastor and eventually bring forth their ideal candidate for an “up-or-down” vote at another Congregational meeting. If the candidate is accepted by the Congregation, a “call” is issued to the man, who then must also be accepted by the Presbytery of Southwest Florida (PSWF). If the Congregation says NO to their recommendation or if the candidate is unacceptable to the PSWF, then, the PSC will resume their search and repeat the process. (As specified in the BCO, Chapter 20.)

We hope you prayerfully consider if you feel called to serve on the pulpit committee.